網地島王国お野菜 思い描くもの
1. 特に家庭菜園ができなくなった年配の方や、美味しく安心安全な食材を求める全ての方へお届けすること。
2. 島の特産品となるような付加価値を付けた食材を生産・加工し、網地島の名物が増えていくこと。
3. 農薬や化学肥料に頼らず、緑肥や微生物の力で土を元氣にし、出来る限り循環する人にも地球にも優しい暮らしを目指します。
“ 宮城県石巻市 牡鹿地区 網地島(あじしま)
手つかずの自然が多いに残されている、三陸復興国立公園のひとつ ”
“No man is an island. = 人は一人では生きていけない”
Ajishima Cafeオープンに向けて少しずつ準備を進めております。支え合いの知恵とお力、有難く受け取ります。
Ajishima Kingdom
The brand and store front for the products grown and produced on the island of Ajishima, Miyagi, Japan, by Ajishima ABE (pronounced /ay-bay/). We are in the process of both setting up a physical farm stand (yaoya) to sell our fruits and vegetables on the island, and launching this website as an online store front for select products.
The brand and store front for the products grown and produced on the island of Ajishima, Miyagi, Japan, by Ajishima ABE (pronounced /ay-bay/). We are in the process of both setting up a physical farm stand (yaoya) to sell our fruits and vegetables on the island, and launching this website as an online store front for select products.
History of ABE
A.gricultural B.ased E.conomy -
A farming enterprise established on Ajishima in order to provide safe and nutritious food for the islanders and patients in residence at the island's hospital. We also grow and produce specialty and value-added items for sale off-island and online. We are in the process of building a small farm stand on Ajishima, where we can sell our produce along side or fellow islanders. Our goal is to create a community market where any islander can sell their produce to other islanders and visitors alike.
Ajishima ABE was established in 2013 by a native of Ajishima, and with the help of volunteers planted their first crop: potatoes! Literal tons of potatoes!! Potatoes for as far as the eye could see!!!
Come 2016, the founder stepped down due to health concerns, and it was at this time that Rick, Michie and another islander stepped up to take over operations.
They immediately decided to add a little color to the planting rotation, so now in addition to the mainstay potatoes, they are growing a diversity of vegetables and several fruits.
This website will serve as a way to promote ABE's activities, and to keep our supporters up-to-date and well fed!
Thank you for your support!
A.gricultural B.ased E.conomy -
A farming enterprise established on Ajishima in order to provide safe and nutritious food for the islanders and patients in residence at the island's hospital. We also grow and produce specialty and value-added items for sale off-island and online. We are in the process of building a small farm stand on Ajishima, where we can sell our produce along side or fellow islanders. Our goal is to create a community market where any islander can sell their produce to other islanders and visitors alike.
Ajishima ABE was established in 2013 by a native of Ajishima, and with the help of volunteers planted their first crop: potatoes! Literal tons of potatoes!! Potatoes for as far as the eye could see!!!
Come 2016, the founder stepped down due to health concerns, and it was at this time that Rick, Michie and another islander stepped up to take over operations.
They immediately decided to add a little color to the planting rotation, so now in addition to the mainstay potatoes, they are growing a diversity of vegetables and several fruits.
This website will serve as a way to promote ABE's activities, and to keep our supporters up-to-date and well fed!
Thank you for your support!